FunBox Studio

Where the Fun Breaks Out of the Box...!

What is FunBox Studio:

A space where children explore, learn, and grow through Fun hands-on activities, fostering creativity and cognitive development.

Our Activities:

  • Workshops: Organize regular workshops on various topics - pottery, painting, robotics, DIY crafts, etc.
  • Seasonal Camps: During holidays, run themed camps like 'Summer Science Camp' or 'Winter Wonderland Crafts'.
  • Parent-Child Sessions: Activities where parents and children can bond, such as 'Family Paint Day' or 'Build with Dad/Mom'.

Upcoming Activities: 

Certainly! Here's a list of fun workshops that can be conducted at Fun Studio:

1. Artistic Adventures:

  • Canvas Creations: A painting workshop where kids can unleash their creativity on canvas.
  • Sculpt & Shape: An introduction to pottery and clay modeling.
  • Sketching Skills: Basics of drawing and sketching for budding artists.

2. Science & Discovery:

  • Little Lab Coats: Simple and safe chemistry experiments for kids.
  • Robotics Realm: Building basic robots using kits and understanding their mechanics.
  • Starry Nights: An astronomy workshop with telescopes and planetarium shows.

3. Crafty Corners:

  • Recycle & Craft: Using recyclable materials to create beautiful crafts.
  • Origami Odyssey: The art of paper folding, from simple to complex designs.
  • Beaded Wonders: Jewelry making workshop for kids.